House Rules: Clerics and Weapon Use, and High Thief Scores

House Rules: Clerics and Weapon Use, and High Thief Scores

Clerics and Weapons Use

Since we never settled the question of what weapons clerics could use, with Chris P. sticking to the rules as written, and Eric Boyd deviating but sticking to lower damage weapons (handaxes). So I thought I'd settle it now with a house rule influenced by the The Nightmares Underneath, which ties variable damage to class rather than weapon type. (This is a hybrid system.)

Clerics may wear any armor and use any weapons. However, owing to their inferior military training they may cause at most 1d6 with a one handed melee weapon or any missile weapon, and at most 1d8 with a two handed melee weapon. So, a dagger will still do 1d4, a mace still do 1d6, but a longsword will now do 1d6, and a two handed sword will do 1d8. Similarly, a sling will do 1d4, a shortbow 1d6, but a longbow also 1d6.

High Level Thief Skills

In case this wasn't already clear, a thief may raise her score in any category up to a maximum of 6. A 6 always succeeds, unless there is a penalty. (Possibly relevant to Aleksandr Revzin in the future.)


  1. Cédric Plante They can use any weapon for full damage. Can only wear studded leather, leather, or padded armor.


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