Eric Boyd Aleksandr Revzin Chris P. Evlyn M Maxime Golubchik

Eric Boyd Aleksandr Revzin Chris P. Evlyn M Maxime Golubchik

Here is a list of items that Adrianna identified for you in the last session. Tell me who is taking what and what you're selling.

Red Lotus

These are four bricks of red lotus hips and petals (150 GP each to Satareh's temple contacts). Smoking them is like inhaling a stream of ecstatic sparks. It produces almost unbearable giddy pleasure that is prone to break out into sudden rage. For 3d6 turns, at any encounter, player receive +2 to initiative but must test under Wisdom at 4d6 or lash out in uncontrollable anger. Users must save vs. poison at +6 or become addicted after each use.

White Lotus

These are three bricks of white lotus hips and leaves (250 GP each). Smoking them is like inhaling a cool and rolling cloud from the heavens. It produces a peaceful and rich pleasure, and a stumbling stupor. Anyone who tries to act for 3d6 turns after consuming it will receive -4 on initiative and -2 on all rolls, but is immune to mind affecting spells. Users must save vs. poison at +4 or become addicted after each use.

Puce Lotus

These are three bricks of puce lotus leaves (300 GP each). Smoking them is like pouring reality into one’s throat. Those who smoke it can use ESP or levitate once per turn, but are constantly disoriented by thoughts that press in like metaphysical revelations, taking -3 to all rolls. Users must save vs. poison at +2 or become addicted after each use.

Black lotus

This is one brick of black lotus hips and leaves (500 GP). Smoking the brick is like entering a twilight at the brink of the veil of night. All ones sins and moments of weakness are dredged up by the drug and assault ones physical being like living weapons of guilt. The user must save vs. poison or die. If she passes her strength and wisdom each increase permanently by 1. Subsequent smokings produce no effect.

One scroll case sealed with black wax (from
the statue of Golumex)

This case contains a fragment of the third Puzzle Scroll, a text lost to the waking world. The Puzzle Scrolls are a hideous text of alien theology that opens the way to the space known as the Sightless Labyrinth. Each is cunningly constructed like a puzzle, and together they form an interlocking whole of dreadful and increasing power. It appears to contain some sort of spell in its alien puzzle script, one that if deciphered would open a conduit through which something might be brought here to serve the caster's purposes, some sort of dread knight referred to as “The Host of Worms”. She fears the text but thinks it is very valuable for the lost knowledge it may contain--although most of its power would derive from the larger whole. The Chatelaine has the fifth Puzzle Scroll, but she does not allow the apprentices to examine. When she has more funds, Adrianna would be interested in buying this, but she feels that she must pass this up for now.

Copper Bracelet minutely covered in carvings
of flames and salamanders (from Hylampsus)

Bracelet of the Salamander, whoever wears it assumes in part the nature of the elemental fire. From the slow burn of their own blood they will regenerate 1 hp every 2 hours and take ½ damage from fire attacks. Over the period of a month they will regrow whole limbs, if recently lost.

The Flagellant's Flail

This blessed flail is a +2 weapon, ignoring all armor, but dealing 3-10 damage to both the victim and the wielder. No one sane will want to buy this garish cursed weapon.

Eight Rune Inscribed Silver Nails

Nailing the Ascetic's Nails into ones own body does 1d3 hp damage per nail but gives +1 to hit and damage for one combat as long as remain in the body. (Healing negates the effect.) They are each a one use item.

The Adjudicator's Shield

This yellow kite shield bears a fragment of the law of Zyan, in a cramped black script, obscure and crooked. In the middle of this baroque code arises a great black stage, on which huge black marionettes stand menacingly over tiny figures. Around it rise tiered seating, with roaring throngs. It is a +1 shield. The wearer may also sacrifice it to absorb the damage from any single attack against himself.

The Glass Globe from the Interpreter

A strange creature resides in this, of a baleful character, most evil in nature. It seems weakened, as though the source of its power is distant and cut off. She would like to keep this item to experiment with when she has more time and resources available.


  1. I wonder if the red lotus could make Almurek's charmed beasts lash out?

  2. Ben L. Also, was there more specific rules for that evil mask from the statue of Golumex or could Adriana only tell that it would lay some kind of curse?

  3. Emma can just shrug off one curse per session, so if you want to see exactly what that curse is, I'm game.


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