Friends I have a wonderful idea. We cannot kill the foul cretin who is blackmailing us because he is very important.

Friends I have a wonderful idea. We cannot kill the foul cretin who is blackmailing us because he is very important.

But I am no friend to the World Emperor either! I say we kill two birds with one stone, steal the ring from the magician, use it to make his own animals eat him, and then plant it on Lord Kex.


  1. We have to assume that the Chatelaine will have access to most divination spells up to at least 5th level and maybe more. So anything we do should take that into account.

  2. We.... have not put nearly enough thought into this. We've got those potions of oneiric transference, we can warp back into his apartments at any time.

    Ben has hinted pretty strongly that if the Chatelaine was to discover Almuric dead, and the ring was with him , there's very little incentive for her to investigate further. She gets to keep the ring without being seen as abusing her apprentices. But if the ring's not there, no matter whether we try to frame someone with it or keep it for ourselves, she'll bust out all the scrying magic she can bring to bear on the situation.

  3. Can Adriana make a potion of oneiric transference that has a duration less than 24 hours? That's a long time to barricade up inside the apartments.

  4. Well all of those ideas sound much better then mine.

  5. We have to look at this from a society with a certain baseline of magic. Truth/innocence verification should be easy with access to divination spells such as ESP to check the thoughts of any accused. Unless he has some other scheme he's keeping from his master that he suspects he might think of if questioned by ESP, Kex or whomever will if he's at all intelligent submit to any sort of magical interrogation, thereby ensuring his innocence. (This isn't even factoring in higher level divination spells such as Contact Other Plane.)

    Similarly, we have to assume the Chatelaine will have access/be able to pay for divine spells. Since we have double digit arcane spellcasters, it's also a fairly good assumption there will be double digit divine spellcasters. So spells such as cure disease, raise dead, and speak with dead will all be available, thus nullifying the effectiveness of any disease based strategy (which we were discussing earlier.) Almurek is on fairly good terms with the Church of the Voluptuaries, so we can assume he'll have access to cure disease at minimum.

    What we really need to know is whether the various factions of this crapsack town have reasons to be at odds with each other. Does Kex have any secrets he's holding from the Chatelaine? Are there any circumstances that might keep the Chatelaine from getting a dead apprentice raised from the dead? Is there any way to put Almurek at odds with the Church of the Voluptuaries?

    Basically, we have little to no intelligence because we have not dedicated any time or effort to gathering any intelligence, leaving us to stumble around blindly hemming and hawing on what to do or coming up with pie in the sky plans.

  6. Eric Boyd Aleksandr Revzin Chris P. Maxime Golubchik Evlyn M Relevant tactical information about the potions:

    here's what I said originally about the potions that transport you to Wishery, which I now re-learned are called "Elixirs of Penumbral Transmigration", and I see also had a shorter duration than I remembered:

    "The imbiber of the Elixir of Penumbral Transmigration falls into a slumber, his dream consciousness enfolding his sleeping body in a cyst attached to a "shimmering priaduct". This (tube?)will transport him to a location in Wishery that he has already visited, provided that he brings this memory to mind as he consumes the Elixir. The cyst at the exit point will remain in place for "around six hours" before dissolving, and may be used to transport the imbiber back to the waking world. The distillation process is expensive, and covering her materials alone will cost you 150 gp per dose. She has enough material in your portion of the residue to brew four doses. If you get her more pudding, she can make you more doses."

    I think I'd like that stand EXCEPT for this: she believes the cyst and shimmering priaduct can be used to transport any individuals BOTH WAYS during the duration. It's essentially a gate between different dreamworlds spun from the imbiber's memory and dream-consciousness. Another perhaps tactically relevant fact: she surmises that it could also be used to transport one back to "the waking world", if one drank a potion before sleeping in Wishery.

    ALSO: she can make two more potions from the residue of the oneiric pudding you grabbed last session if you pay her 300 GP.

  7. Chris P. You're pretty sure that the Chatelaine is a double digit magic-user.

    Evlyn M, Satareh knows some of the more favored Voluptuaries can speak with the dead, and cure disease, although these are pretty potent miracle that they use sparingly, never for sale, and essentially never outside the temple or for anyone except at the Chatelaine's command. The High Voluptuary is powerful, but Satareh does not know if he is capable of raising the dead. And there are no clerics of other deities comparable power in Rastingdrung--indeed there are no clerics of other deities at all, unless they are hidden heretics or foreigners concealing their abilities like Cletus.


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