Dozar and the Book

Dozar and the Book

Dozar stumbled upon the secret cavern in the bottom of the book well earlier in his desperate searches for a means of egress. After Dozar was freed, and their strange foes dispatched, the party decided to explore this space. Within they found the pure white egg in which Aphrodosius, Nymph of the Seven Worlds slumbered.

Salinger cracked the egg, waking her from her divine slumber. Wiping her sleep from her eyes, she informed Salinger that her heart was a book, the crown jewel of the legendary library of the hanging Palace, the greatest library in Wishery. He might read the book if he wished by placing his palm upon her heart, and, were he worthy, this tome would open before him and its wisdom would be his for the taking; but were he unworthy "he would face a terrible trial". Salinger turned away, as his sins and flaws suddenly clouded his vision; nor could the others meet her gaze. Dozar alone stepped forward.

Had he not, alone of all MANA YOOD SUSHAI's disciples, been chosen by fortune or fate to travel through Ultan's door? Was he not called by the prophet Imabun--blessed be he!--to remove the seed of the cosmic tree, which has traveled from one dreamland to the next, and bring it to "the waking world" as a great and holy testament to he many cycles of dream? Was he not also worthy of the wisdom contained within the book of the nymph's heart? So thinking, he allowed allowed Aphrodosius to guide his hand to her warm breast.

So the twelve cantos of Aphrodosius' heart were open to him, and he drank deeply of the knowledge. Like the rosy fingers of the dawn, breaking for the first time on a land that has known only low hanging, black vaulted night, reveal suddenly the hidden majesty of the many-hued heavens, so a supernal wisdom touched Dozar's soul, showing him secrets hidden from mortal men.

So it was that he acquired a strange understanding that has remained with him since, relating the laughter of children and the symphony of colliding galaxies, the questing green fuse of the hungry seed and the geometry of the void, showing him how nature is the principle not of one world, but the ever changing patterns of many that flow always one into another.

Dozar is now 7th level.


  1. Very cool... when are you publishing the campaign guide to this setting?

  2. Christian Kolbe One day, I promise. But not for a long time I fear.

  3. I hope it was just "lose a level" for a failed save there... but I won't ask, that spoils it. We need to figure things out with the clues we got.


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