Evocations of the Doomed City

Evocations of the Doomed City

For the sessions in the Doomed City, we will be running BtB 1E AD&D. The main change for these purposes are the initiative rules. Here they are:

Initiative rules

Every round, everyone can do up to 4 things: (1) Either attack or cast a spell, (2) Move up to 1/2 movement rate, (3) Use a special ability e.g. hide in shadows or turn undead, (4) Use a magic item, e.g. potion or ring

Here is the procedure:

Every one declares what he or she is doing. Most importantly people say if they're casting spells. I also decide what monsters are doing.

Each side rolls 1d6: higher roll wins initiative; equal rolls go simultaneously; this mean steps 3 and 4 happen together, i.e. everyone acts at once for the first six segments.

(1) Casters begin casting their spells (unless they want to do something else first). Spells will go off in the segment equal to their casting time.
(2) The first volley of missile weapons are fired, first for winning side, then the losing side
(3) Winning side has 6 minus losing side's initiative die worth of segments to act. During this time they can do a melee attack (if they have multiple attacks up to half their attacks rounded up), move 1/6 their movement rate, or use special abilities, or magic items, with each of these things taking 1 segment. (They may also get a spell off.)
(4) The losing side acts with however many segments are left of the first six.
(5) Missile weapons go off again for both sides if attacks remain.
(6) The winning side acts again for 2 segments, if there are still melee attacks remaining, or if someone hasn't had a chance to do all the things they can do in a round.
(7) The losing side acts again for the final 2 segments, if they still have attacks, or if someone hasn't had a chance to do all the things they can do in a round.

Or to simplify:

Missile attacks
Winners go
Losers go
Remaining missile attacks
Winners go if they have extra attacks or actions to perform
Losers go if they have extra attacks or actions to perform

If scores are tied, it pretty much happens all at once!

Eric Boyd Chris P. Aleksandr Revzin Anthony Huso Maxime Golubchik Dave Sealy Shemek hiTankolel


  1. You have put a lot of effort into understanding those rules. Color me impressed.

  2. Anthony Huso walked me through how he runs AD&D combat. They're all his interpretations.


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