No Game This Week & Notes on Our Next Session

No Game This Week & Notes on Our Next Session

First off, I have a work thing this Thursday that is unavoidable, so our next session will be 1/25

Secondly, I want to back track on my description of Evocations of the Doomed City and what adventuring there entails. Basically, I bit off more than I can chew with my original conception of the book as providing a set of 8 inter-linked dungeons set in different locales of a doomed city. Given my current work situation, I need to stick with the dungeons I have already. (Including a couple you haven't visited, but for which I have notes, e.g. The Gauntlet of the Panther Priests.)

So, what I'm going to be doing instead, is running a reskinned Anthony Huso's A Fabled City of Brass as the doomed city that the book evokes. I will do a post explaining how the sessions in the doomed city will work, and the tactically relevant features, which will involve the use of some unusual rules and adventuring protocols. I'll tag you in when I mention them. Anthony will not be playing in the sessions, but he may be viewing them. Let me know in the comments below if you have already read (as opposed to glanced at) Anthony's module.

Aleksandr Revzin Chris P. Eric Boyd Evlyn M Shemek hiTankolel Maxime Golubchik


  1. Evlyn M you should absolutely make an alternate character—as many as you want. Someone from the community of the panther priests (either slave or free) would be great.

    The play of this module, however, will involve astral projection into the persona of one of the legendary heroes whose spirits the Evocations of the Doomed City allows one to evoke as vehicles for transit. I will post bios of these strange heroes and people will be able to choose from amongst them.

    So it may matter less which character is doing the projecting into what will essentially be a high level pre-gen. Although it might be a nice XP bump for a new character, so maybe the new character should do the projecting. (The chance of soul death is also possible if the hero you inhabit dies.)

  2. This sounds great. I can't wait to do some good old fashioned dungeon crawling! I have not looked at the module.

  3. Don't own the module, so never read, glanced at, or played through it.


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