The Take(!!!) and Downtime Thread for 3/1 Game

The Take(!!!) and Downtime Thread for 3/1 Game

Baiba and Marjanna scale the great black walls, sending down the rope behind them. Climbing the surging Breath of the Simoom to the rope, the rest of the party mounts the walls, turning once to gaze at the Doomed City, the name of which you each heard spoken once in your mind--let it never cross your lips! The view of the palace in the distance is stunning, inviting, perhaps mocking, you, with its rose brass domes piled one atop another, and marble terraces, with fluted columns, and tiny hammocks swinging in the sweet breeze next to lush plants, pots sparkling with a king's ransom of jewels. One half of your soul knows this is the last glimpse you will ever have of the Palace of the Painted Caliph, and tarries for a moment, entranced and melancholy, but the other half is filled with mirth and a new found determination, thinking, "We have won this round. We will see you again old adversary; perhaps next time we will take the palace itself!"

Finally pulling yourselves away, down you go to the queer wastes, to walk under the colorless sky, led by Yazid al'Salehi with his unerring sense of direction, back past the scoured alien carcasses in the shifting ashy sand, to the eerie bronze lammasu. There you deposit your chosen items in their receptacles, and step forward onto the platforms. And in an instant you feel a terrible separation, as though you have suddenly lost a brother you never knew you had. When your eyes open, you are in cramped apartments, stinking of sweat, the air full of cloying incense, and incantations in a gravelly voice. Each of you stands, finding in your hands your chosen artifact. And so Adrianna, her voice trembling with anticipation, draws the incantations to close, sealing forever the Doomed City from all of you.

"Water Valtropis, I'm parched!" she screeches, and having poured the huge goblet down her throat (and the front of her pink dress), she moves forward quickly, "Well, let's see what we've got here!" She is beside herself with joy when she finds that you have brought two scrolls of the necromantic incantation transposition, and is speechless, mouth hanging agape when you unwrap the shining pink, waxy apples of Samarkand from their cloth bundle. But it is when Dozar says in his rumbling bass "I'll think you'll want to see this Adrianna" lifting the birdcage before him, the small bejeweled bird sparkling in the candlelight as it moves like a living being within, cocking its head to look out with one quizzical cut gem of an eye, that her crone's laughter rings out.

She runs towards Dozar, giving him a girlish hug, her tiny arms barely able to wrap around one of his meaty legs. She says with tears in her eyes, turning to look each of you in the face one after another, a fierce loyalty in her voice, "As I rise, so too will you; I swear this to you now. May our fortunes ever be bound!" Then she continues, her eyes hardening, "The others will not know what hit them. If I play my cards aright, I will overtake even Albinus and his cursed fairy slaves. I must tread cautiously, as should you! Remember that your unwelcome visitors are separated from our home by only an inch of metal."

Everyone who participated in the session in the Doomed City may take 2000 XP for each session in which your character played. That means Joshua Blackketter that for your new character you may award 1/2 Sir Treskin's XP + 4000 more on top of that.

Here is my proposal. Let's accelerate a week's time. You tell me what you do in that week and I will tell you what happens. We will pick up three days from the Festival of the Sybarites. Chris P. if you want to ping me privately, feel free to open up a line of communications.

Aleksandr Revzin Eric Boyd Joshua Blackketter Shemek hiTankolel Evlyn M Anthony Huso Chris P. Maxime Golubchik Pete Segreti (Pete, this won't mean much to you, but I thought I'd loop you in.)


  1. Elaborate sets and costumes. Maybe more carpenters and tailors so they can speed up the production without sacrificing quality. Sets that are easy to move around or can be converted through hidden doors or wheels into other scenes and puppeteers that will have beautiful puppet versions of the plant-animal hybrids of the Hanging Jungle just hanging around, being part of the mis-en-scene. I’ll also throw in another 200GP to increase pay for the dancers and musicians. Describing the dances and movements in the cycle might need a bit of time and thought on my end. I’ll have to get to that soon.

  2. Aleksandr Revzin OK, you're spending money hand over fist. It's hard to get the talented help for your ingenious ideas with the festival approaching, but with sufficient funds it is possible. And having gotten them, it's a lot to manage them well. Let's introduce some rolls!

    Carpenters and Tailors
    Why don't you roll 4d6 under your charisma. For the carpenters, and costumers, you can add 1 to your charisma for each 100 GP you are spending rounded down. So far it's 250+500=750 so +7 (you can go higher if you want). Whether you succeed or fail, tell me what the role is.

    Dancers and Musicians
    For the dancers roll 4d6 under your charisma. You can add advantage (roll 5d6 drop the highest) for your performance and most excellent speech. You can also add 1 to your CHA for each 100 gold pieces spent rounded down--so 450 so far gives you a +4 so far. (You can spend more if you like.) Whether you succeed or fail, tell me what the role is.

  3. Well, I’ll spend a further 150GP for the tech crew, bringing my bonus up to +9 with them. It was unneccesary since I rolled a 4 (1 four times on my Dungeon Crawler phone app).

    Then a further 250GP on the performers bringing my bonus up to +7 with them. I rolled an 8! My Charisma is 9.


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