
Showing posts from March, 2018

Hi guys, I have a work dinner I have to go to this Thursday night.

Hi guys, I have a work dinner I have to go to this Thursday night. So our next session will be on 4/12. Looking forward to picking up in the gardens in the Hanging Palace. Also looking forwrd to seeing who Shemek hiTankolel will bring to the table. A sorcerer follower of Ksarul? A warrior noble, follower of Karakan? Or perhaps someone from the dreamlands? (Evan, feel free to hit me up if you want to discuss possible dreamlands types you might play.) Chris P. Eric Boyd Aleksandr Revzin Evlyn M Anthony Huso Pete Segreti Maxime Golubchik Shemek hiTankolel

Campaign News for 3/29

Campaign News for 3/29 The Chatelaine of Storms and Ambassador Cloyame from the dreamlands seem to have come to a reasonable agreement for the time being that Utlan's door will be actively policed from both sides. Valmoreaux, Captain of the Stormriders, is beside himself with an unquenchable passion to be the Chatelaine's champion in the realm beyond slumber. For the moment his will is frustrated. An armed garrison has sprung up around Eidolon Alley where Ultan's shop is located. Rastingdrungers have been evicted from their homes all the way out to the Burnt Chapel of Harmarkhis. Those who have not found solace in the guildhalls or the overcrowded apartments of relatives have set up a lively tent city in the paint splattered Plaza of Portraits. Barricades are now manned by tight lipped guards, and mounted, screaming War Crows circle the area. Rumors about Ultan's shop are exploding. Some say he was a spy for the Invincible Overlord, who opened a portal to Demonland to

Campaign News for 3/22/2018:

Campaign News for 3/22/2018: The Contest of the Apprentices (and Aftermath) On the final day of the Festival of the Sybarites, after Mordrovo’s humiliating performance, and Adrianna’s tour-de-force, come the other apprentices. Here is a taste of the spectacle. Spaldiv, sickly and pallid, leering through teeth green with grave moss, walks onto the field with majestic airs. In a voice that echoes with spectral tones, he calls the dead from the depths of the earth. And lo! They claw their way from below. (“The bastard has seeded the field in advance with his filthy cadavers!” Adrianna whispers under her breath.) Zombies climb, almost without number, out of holes in the torn earth. The stench is overwhelming and cries of fear and retching can be heard among the crowd. The zombies bear a throne of bone on their shoulders and pull behind them huge nets full of bones. They set to assembling, through interlocking joints and hinges, balls and sockets, a skeletal behemoth of bone, a many-armed m

Hey Ben

Hey Ben, Might not be able to play tonight. Something has come up at work, and if I'm not at the Hangout right at 8:30, chances are I won't be there at all. Bashan will follow the lead of the rest of the party and go along with their adventure(s) choice. He is currently 4th level (I haven't rolled his HP's for this level). Hopefully I'll see you guys tonight; if not, then next week. Evan

Downtime Thread 2: Interrogating the Dead

Downtime Thread 2: Interrogating the Dead As Unasi strikes the final blow with his enchanted spear (what was Pete Segreti's suggested name? Thorn something?), the tentacles melt away. You take in the scene of ruin. The counters are smashed, and seeping black ichor spreads across the floor. Within the smash glass of one of the display cases, the decapitated head of Samir looks up, his ruined face staring with horror filled, ublinking eyes. All that is left of the corpse of the assailant is his skin, armor, gear, and mask (depicted below). The hanging skin and long hair has the ivory pallor of the Zyanese, and the white leather armor he wears is finely shaped, but now ruined and stained black. He carries a fine longsword (1d8 +1 to damage but not to hit), and three stilettos, two of which are still coated in some poison (it will wear away soon). On his person he carries as well a set of five small cards with gold backs. Two have sylized eyes on the front, and three have stylized ears

Downtime Thread 1: The Performance at the Chatelaine's Private Feast

Downtime Thread 1: The Performance at the Chatelaine's Private Feast To set the scene: The second day of the Festival of the Sybarites is waning. The last of the Voluptuaries, Hudolphus, a pioneer in small gluttony, makes his desperate run, having delayed out of terror to the last possible minute. His white hat bobs up and down as he runs across the twilit streets of the city, round stomach bouncing, following the less travelled ways, spreading pools of sweat staining his white robes. He has traveled far, approaching the west gate, only to have his hat snagged by one of the Salinger's irregulars, whose long hook shoots down from the roof of Ultan's shop. Dejected he proceeds, slumped and resigned, to the stocks as the street urchin's taunt him, rubbing fish grease into his hair and hurling dung. A long night awaits him with the others who were caught. The ordinary citizens have recovered from their night of drinking on the lake sufficiently to drag themselves to Sprig&#

I'm not sure we'll actually get to any of these, but I wanted to post here some outstanding hooks on the other side...

I'm not sure we'll actually get to any of these, but I wanted to post here some outstanding hooks on the other side of Ultan's door, so that you can decide what you want to do next. (Doubtless, there are some things I'm forgetting.) (1) Return to the Abyssal Dungeon, and explore the opulent area beyond the Gleaming Seal (the 2nd of 7 levels of the dungeon). More information on the Abyssal Dungeon here: (2) Visit the Gauntlet of the Panther Priests, the dungeon sacred to Umata-Shi, the father of risks willingly hazarded. This is the dungeon that runs through the body of a great serpent or dragon in the jungle that the Panther Priests call the God Who Died. It is said to be seeded with many treasures, including perhaps the flexible vistrum, the strange all-purpose tool perhaps necessary for opening one of the later doors in the Abyssal Dungeon. (3) Return to the Hanging Palace of the Incandescent Kings, a bi
Hi guys, I think no session this week, unfortunately. We'll pick up again next week at our usual time. 3/15 830pm
Hey guys let’s talk about questions we want to ask the dead stuff here.