Campaign News for 3/29

Campaign News for 3/29

The Chatelaine of Storms and Ambassador Cloyame from the dreamlands seem to have come to a reasonable agreement for the time being that Utlan's door will be actively policed from both sides. Valmoreaux, Captain of the Stormriders, is beside himself with an unquenchable passion to be the Chatelaine's champion in the realm beyond slumber. For the moment his will is frustrated.

An armed garrison has sprung up around Eidolon Alley where Ultan's shop is located. Rastingdrungers have been evicted from their homes all the way out to the Burnt Chapel of Harmarkhis. Those who have not found solace in the guildhalls or the overcrowded apartments of relatives have set up a lively tent city in the paint splattered Plaza of Portraits. Barricades are now manned by tight lipped guards, and mounted, screaming War Crows circle the area. Rumors about Ultan's shop are exploding. Some say he was a spy for the Invincible Overlord, who opened a portal to Demonland to destroy Rastingdrung. Others say he was a heretic who was punished by Ulim with a festering plague of golden buboes. Still others say that another door has opened to cursed Zyan, and that the Storm Crows are driven mad by the scent of their improbably homeland.

Another strange rumor has arisen about a figure who Rastingdrungers are calling the Angel of Ulim. Everyone has a different account of his appearance and nature, but all agree that he was a figure of great peace who dispensed wisdom and blessings freely. He is said to be accompanied by a trembling handed interpreter who speaks with his voice. Strange offerings have been left every night before fisher's gate, where he manifested.

Adriana's star is rising, and her eyes burn with a fierce light. The Chatelaine has, apparently for the moment, forgiven all, and told her that she is first apprentice in "all but name". Instead of sleeping, she has, with a new intensity applied herself to your shared plight. She has identified to you the items lifted from Moldorado, the corrupted nephew of Cloyame (see below). She is, apparently keeping secret for the moment the existence of the Bejewelled Nightengale. And seems to be spending all of her time in the Chatelaine's library. Even Valtropis, having substituted his seedy clothes for tasteful finery, seems not unhappy.

The Chatelaine has pressed you for everything you know about the Hanging Palace. Although she plays her hand close to her chest, she is clearly very interested in the library. She encourages you both (1) to acquire further essence of Oneiric Pudding, and (2) acquire further intelligence about the palace. Although she is superficially friendly, you fear her ominous insinuations and underhanded jabs.

Almurek's spies move through the city looking for your new location. Several are intercepted by Salinger's urchins and your own monkeys. You are for the moment holing up in the tunnels near the Mercury Whistle, where Ulantanu has his rooms.

Items acquired in the last two sessions:

Leather armor +1
2 golden cards decorated with a stylized eye that when held up to the eye provide clairvoyance (1 use each)
3 golden cards decorated with a stylized ear that when held up to the eye provide clairaudience (1 use each)


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