Downtime Thread for 6/21 game

Downtime Thread for 6/21 game

Post here about what you want to do in the next session. I need to know in rough way what your plan will be, so that I can prepare for the session, given how many directions it could go.

In the meantime, here is the info you were looking for from the first volume of The History of Zyan, as well as the conspiracy laden book that Ernis unearthed in the last downtime thread.

Respectable History:

When you have some time to consult the first volume of The History of Zyan, by the “Utmost Chronicler” Medes, this is what you find about the Treaty of the Farthest Shore. First of all, the work is written long (many centuries) after this event. It is written in the mode of narrating events about which the chronicler could not have had firsthand knowledge, but this is interspersed with (somewhat) more responsible evidentiary sections that give some indication of what is known and what is speculation.

The negotiations were predated by a period known as the Marine Wars, a series of sabotage and skirmishes flaring occasionally into catastrophic violence between the Sky Singers (as the ancient Zyanese were known) and the spirits of the air. Although his augurs counseled against it, reading mixed and ominous portents in the heavens above and below, Hegalion the Captain, leader of the Sky Singers saw no other way forward than to parlay and negotiate a lasting peace.

The treaty is named for the site of the conclave, the most remote of the satellite islands that share an orbit with the Rock of Zyan. The negotiations were conducted between the Priests of Azmora (as the Archon Azmarane was then known) and the aether sprites that served Hashivaz, Prince of the North Wind. Hegalion agreed to ground the Sky Singer’s “flying castles”, ceding the currents of the Endless Azure Sea to the spirits of the air. He also agreed to erect the Catacombs of the North Wind, a complex of whistling, wind-filled shrines in the caves that catacomb the eastern cliffside of the main island, where pleasing worship could be rendered to the marine beings. In exchange Hegalion received three things: a cessation of mischief and violence from the genies of the sea, the service of a number of aerial spirits in fixed roles, and the Metaphysical Crown. The Metaphysical Crown was a splendid artifact of tremendous power that would found the monarchy, and make Zyan the flying pearl of all Wishery.

After a glorious period, where many wonders were accomplishment, and the foundation of future greatness was laid, the troubles began. The problems were small at first, like a single cloud that passes before a bright sun in a blue sky on a late Spring day. But they grew slowly at first, and then more rapidly, trouble heaping upon trouble. The augurs could read nothing of the woe with their astrolabes. So Hegalion, in his old age, performed the rituals to summon Prince Hashivaz to the Catacombs of the North Wind. Reports of what passed between them are conflicting and speculative, but this does not stop Medes from narrating the meeting. In his telling, Hashivaz informed Hegalion that “Everything fashioned from the winds of the Endless Azure Sea is doubled, and something so great as the metaphysical crown will naturally cast its own shadow.” He revealed to him then the nature of the crown’s double and hinted at the existence of a hidden monarch. Hegalion became enraged at this, and accused the great Prince of treachery. To which he responded, “It is in the nature of a contract to have many unintended consequences, for each party. It is not the duty of each side to school the other in their folly.” Hegalion drew his sword, Song Blade, against him entitled to strike the Prince, but the magic of the Treaty shattered that great weapon into four pieces.

So it was that the congress between the kings of Zyan and spirits of the air came to a bitter end. Although each continued to uphold the terms of the contract that bound them, their conclaves were no more.

Disreputable Ravings:

The text that Ernis located was: Secrets of the Treaty of the Farthest Shore Revealed, That All May Learn of The Treachery of The Demons of The Air, and Power May Be Gained to Overcome Our Present Troubles by Zamore Zuft. Zuft’s tract postulates that the Treaty of the Farthest Shore, like the Metaphysical Crown, casts a shadow. The terms of this anti-treaty govern the anti-Metaphysical Crown, and the treaty can be manipulated to harness the power of the demons of the air. The text claims that secret knowledge of this anti-Treaty has been passed down among the Master Hermeneuts of the Inquistor’s Guild, and in certain aristocratic clans, and is the basis of their power in collaboration with the Hidden King. The book purports to construct various aspects of this Anti-Treaty, claiming to be citing various hidden texts, and making seemingly wild leaps of inference. The book refers tantalizingly to another manuscript by Zuft, for which the writing of which he claims no small share of persecution at the hands of Aristocratic conspirators. It is titled Clauses and Counterclauses, An Experiential Exploration of Demonic Summoning, Using Hidden Texts and Secret Wisdoms. It seems to have been a work of practical demonology. Unfortunately, the library catalogue does not list this work.

Tagging all parties relevant to deliberation about how to proceed next session: Eric Boyd Aleksandr Revzin Nick Kuntz Shoe Skogen Chris P. (Maybe) Bryan Mullins (Maybe) Evlyn M (Maybe) Pete Segreti (Maybe) Shemek hiTankolel (Maybe) Maxime Golubchik (Maybe)


  1. Telling her that returning the kids might buy us political weight is a good scheme.

  2. If we want to get there quick, we'll give a potion of oneiric transference to that Zyanese the party captured a long time ago. He might have some advice about where we go first. Wasn't he an explorer? Perhaps he could pretend he explored all the way to these kids and explored them back. We'll want to mask up.

  3. Getting up there instantly is a pretty good idea. I'm not a fan of the story line where we take a bunch of kids through the white jungle and they get picked off one by one by animals and gravity.


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