Planning Thread:

Planning Thread:

Is it worth it to go invade The Double now right away, even though I imagine we’re low on spells and some are low on hp? To assault them later would be risky due to all the prep they can do, but it would let us do prep. Or would that one potion we have only work while they’re in the particular dimension they are in right now?

Ben L. We don’t see the paladin dimension dooring away in the now completely empty sphere?


  1. Also if we hole up for a couple of days we can get GP/XP and identify some of the items we have.

  2. Aleksandr Revzin , thanks!

    If we are going to take a break, GP/XP would probably really help us. If we could sacrifice a week or so, Ernis might be able to learn a new spell from Zalvorex which might be handy rather than her growing/shrinking stuff all the time.

  3. It's hard to predict what Captain Moldybutt will try to do next, the guy seems off his rocker. (I think it was Methhead who said he was kinda crazed Either he got what Moldybutt needed off of the boat or he sacrificed whatever he could get off of it just to kill us all either on behalf of the windbag demonlord or just as sour grapes. Obviously Moldybutt has little regard for the lives of his crew, as it would be pretty hard for him to know we dispatched a lot of them as he abandoned them almost straightaway. I think we should be prepared for a counterattack on Zalvorex's home should Moldlybut decide to try to recoup his losses and believe we're all dead.

    On the other hand, this may be the best time for an ambush at the double, if he believes us to be dead or that we can't access his ship. It's possible he might have his defenses down, or that we could get past them with the (possibly needing to be living) hand of one of our prisoners. (Salinger set off the alarm when he waved his hand in the sensor.) It's also unknown what resources Moldybutt might have access to in Phantom Maria to get revenge on us later. Perhaps this might be something Zalvorex might help us with.

    Ultimately, I think what we do now is a choice between risking (and quite possibly losing it all) vs. protecting what we have. Given the situation, I'm probably more inclined for the latter. Now that we have a potion of transumbral migration and Zalvorex de-cursed, we could use it to Phantom Maria and get supplies/materials we might need to start constructing a new ship or pull some other strings there.


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