Campaign News for 6/30

Campaign News for 6/30 The tensions mounted between the hewers and the carver, and their respective supporters at court, in the wake of the defeat of the carver's mercenary force. Just when it was reaching the breaking point, the Chatelaine finally took the reins of power again returning to court in a most decisive fashion. In a surprising move, she has sided with the hewers, taking the opportunity to humble the Voluptuaries. The violence has been pinned on a mid-level priest name Gondrogo who Captain Valmoreaux executed with great relish. The High Voluptuary was even made to offer a humiliating public apology for the overzealous action of his underling. The hewers got their higher prices, and trade and production has begun again. (Most of Rastingdrung's trade with Wolsdag and Loktole and points beyond is in timber and fine furniture.) In a further slight to the Voluptuaries, the Chatelaine has welcomed the charismatic reptilian hero of the hewers to her Court, where he has reg...