Campaign News 7/28
Campaign News 7/28 Since returning from your successful raid on the Children of the Spore, your stature has clearly risen at the pagodas. Malichar takes a proprietary pride in your accomplishments, smiling and jesting with you in his booming voice. He sates your prodigious appetites (Dozar and Sleestakarus) with only the slightest hesitation, and the mellow and complex wines of Zyan flow freely. There is now a festival air around your pagoda, which is well-lit and passably furnished, and overflowing with your goods and possessions. Meanwhile, lank Nekalimon stares bitterly, skulking about your pagoda trying to catch your attention and interest. Your lessons on valuable plants with Ulram continues. He is frank with you that he hopes you might become a more natural and easygoing source of products than the ones with whom he usually deals. You witness some remarkable sights. Malichar rouses you from deep sleep one night to show you the splendid sight of a storm forming in the chasm below....