
Showing posts from July, 2016

Campaign News 7/28

Campaign News 7/28 Since returning from your successful raid on the Children of the Spore, your stature has clearly risen at the pagodas. Malichar takes a proprietary pride in your accomplishments, smiling and jesting with you in his booming voice. He sates your prodigious appetites (Dozar and Sleestakarus) with only the slightest hesitation, and the mellow and complex wines of Zyan flow freely. There is now a festival air around your pagoda, which is well-lit and passably furnished, and overflowing with your goods and possessions. Meanwhile, lank Nekalimon stares bitterly, skulking about your pagoda trying to catch your attention and interest. Your lessons on valuable plants with Ulram continues. He is frank with you that he hopes you might become a more natural and easygoing source of products than the ones with whom he usually deals. You witness some remarkable sights. Malichar rouses you from deep sleep one night to show you the splendid sight of a storm forming in the chasm below.

The Spore-Headed

The Spore-Headed As promises, scans of most pages from Stathis Tsemberlidis' Transmutations of Human Body and Flora. They played the part of the spore-headed and the unfortunate former occupants of Ulaptaloom's pagoda.

This describes the current base of operations for the party. Anthony Fournier

This describes the current base of operations for the party. Anthony Fournier The second hook is no longer relevant ;). I will post new campaign need and update the equipment lists tomorrow.

The Take and Session Recap 7/14

The Take and Session Recap 7/14 This session saw the party’s first foray into the White Jungle, the 3-D hexcrawl of the jungle that hangs below Zyan. They decided to follow up on a report from the hanging merchants that a merchant named Ulaptaloom and all his employees were seized a month ago in a raid by the Children of the Spore. They were told that Ulaptaloom wore much jewelry around his person, and that he had, in particular, a ring that was an old family heirloom, for which the merchants would pay handsomely. They were told that the Children maintain a tower at the top of the brambles a mile or more to the south of the pagodas. The party followed a set of hanging steps that descended through the chasm into the first level of the jungle. At this level the great trees grow branches that flow together, forming a three dimensional lattice of brambly wood punctuated by many precipitous drops, and blockages. They followed a dilapidated footpath into the SW hex that consisted of hand and

Travel, Falling, and Combat Rules for the White Jungle

Travel, Falling, and Combat Rules for the White Jungle Movement PCs can move in three dimensions in the White Jungle. They may travel up, down, or any of the eight normal hex directions. Moving any normal direction costs 1 hex of movement. Moving up a hex costs 2 hexes of movement. Moving down a hex costs 1 point of movement. (There are also some areas where travel in some directions is hampered by natural obstacles. In this case, it takes 2 hexes of movement to travel in the hampered direction.) There are three levels of security that PCs can employ while traversing the White Jungle that affect their base movement rate: unsecured, lightly secured, and heavily secured. Unsecured: When unsecured, the PCs are traveling without some system of ropes. They can travel more quickly this way, moving 5 hexes worth of movement a day. However, this is dangerous, so they must each make a falling check for each hex they move through as per the rules below. Lightly Secured: PCs are traveling with so

Current Players Map of the Lunar Caverns.

Current Players Map of the Lunar Caverns. I hadn't updated this after the session before least, so I just thought I would throw it up here.

The Hanging Merchants of Zyan

The Hanging Merchants of Zyan Malichar The Pagoda of Malichar is large and lighted by lanterns of colored glass that twinkle invitingly in the darkness. Hanging form the rafters, and displayed on tables and shelves, are wares of a bewildering variety. On one table a gorgeous pair of curved and gilded blades are displayed atop the impossibly long and lustrous white fur of a leopard python. Over another, a queer system of ropes and harnesses for traversing the jungles depths dangle next to overflowing baskets of exotic jungle fruit. Malichar wears a silver mask in the shape of the moon, and damask robes decorated in stars cover his large belly. He has a deep booming voice and a bombastic tone. He belongs to the august clan of the arbitrageurs. The party has struck a deal with Malichar. He is housing them in one of his pagodas and supplying them with food drink in exchange for the right of first purchase of jungle antiquities (e at "customary and reasonable" rates. Nekalimon The

Campaign news for 7/14 consists of a list of six rumors/hooks that the party has acquired by speaking to the hanging...

Campaign news for 7/14 consists of a list of six rumors/hooks that the party has acquired by speaking to the hanging merchants. (1) Passage down the great Sewer River has been impeded recently by the Lurid Toads, bloated white amphibious parasites. They have erected a slime dam in a large natural cavern upstream, and are demanding an ever-increasing fee of (very) fresh meat for passage. This is not a small inconvenience for the merchants who regularly ferry their wares to and from Zyan above. In an unusual act of cooperation, they have pooled their resources to offer a bounty for the dam's permanent removal of 2500 GP. (2) There was until recently a fifth pagoda occupied by an estimable merchant named Ulaptaloom, a member of the clan of money changers. In a most horrible turn of events, the occupants of this entire pagoda were seized a month ago by the children of the spore. Although the children have a kind of immortality through splitting and dividing, they raid because they mus

Here is some more of the information your group has extracted from Ulantanu, covering the character of the five...

Here is some more of the information your group has extracted from Ulantanu, covering the character of the five great guilds of Zyan.

Campaign News 7/7

Campaign News 7/7 Life has returned to normal in Rastingdrung. The hewers are back at work, hauling timber from around the shores of the lake with renewed gusto. Everything is in full bloom. The fisherman have made their whimsical sacrifices to the Bishop--the [supposed] great talking fish of Lake Wooling--in preparation for the arrival of the schools of river gos, a strange species of slippery silver fish that migrates to the contaminated waters of the lake to spawn on the summer equinox. The Voluptuaries find themselves on shaky ground. Popular resentment towards them is boiling over, emboldened by the Chatelaine's recent humiliation. After an unusual incident in which a Scarlet Censor was openly pelted with rotten fruit by a mob, the Voluptuaries are taking a light touch to the enforcement of hedonistic mores. They scheme for a return to their former position. With summer around the corner, the palace has just begun preparations for the yearly Festival of the Sybarites. Secret

The Armiger

The Armiger From The Moon

6/30 Session Recap and the Take

6/30 Session Recap and the Take The party travelled once again through the door. This time they took with them a host of hirelings, including Magdelena the former temple prostitute, Rhaskos a sleepy-eyed bodyguard, and Selwin, the former linkboy. Selwin, having traveled through the door seven times now without dying, had leveled up become Fighter 1. He informed the party that he had “undergone extensive training”, and, in keeping with his new station, brought with him his own linkboy, Lokar who he proceeded to boss around in a high-handed manner. The party proceeded south through the Apartments of the Guildless, and entered the Lunar Caverns. In a brief clash with the faceless apes, Selwin proved his foolhardy valor by slaying an ape in a single blow with a charge. The party then explored a cave north of the obelisk cavern, containing a pool of frigid water. Beneath the surface, violet light spilled from underwater caves, illuminating grey reeds, nestled in which were glistening pearls

Was it a yea or nay on FLAILSNAILing Ultan's door characters?

Was it a yea or nay on FLAILSNAILing Ultan's door characters? Just a little bit; it just takes so very long to level a paladin.