
Showing posts from March, 2017

Here are the new official rules for hexcrawling through the White Jungle.

Here are the new official rules for hexcrawling through the White Jungle. In some ways they're more advantageous (higher move rate, greater bonus for strength to encumbrance), in other ways they're more disadvantageous. The main change is that you now must consume 2 rations per day, one water and one food, and those categories of rations are to be listed separately on your sheet. I expect that a lot of this will not come up, since you've already figured out so many way stations, and shortcuts. But to the extent possible, I'd like to play test it.

Session Follow Up

Session Follow Up Having slain the strange creature inhabiting the husk of Cavimesh, and driven off (so you think) Marulu, the party proceeds down to the lower level. The spilled oil has set the long, grand carpet below on fire, the tongues of flame spoiling it, and filling the chapel with think smoke. (I gave the fire a 2 in 6 chance of spreading to the pews and beyond, but it didn't.) Making your way down by rope affixed to the bannister this is what you find on the lower level of the chapel. The southern area behind the wooden screen is a shrine dedicated to the Five (archons) and their Numinous Game. They are each represented by a fine marble statue, heavy to move. The statues differ in appearance from those in the Temple of the Archons, but they are still recognizable to you. The pentagon before them consists of mosaic. It is clearly a stylized map of Zyan above (the city). Other than the enormous stained glass, the only item on the stage is a massive wooden throne carved of s

Here is the post session map.

Here is the post session map. I was running off pretty sketchy notes about level 2 last time, so there's a bit of filling in detail I'd like to do at the start of the next session to set the scene. I'll post some room descriptions for the first four rooms in the comments below in a little bit. Note that the most Southern room is not one you've explored yet. You just poked in long enough to see that there were a couple doors to the west and perhaps an archway at the end. It looked like there were murals on the wall. I'll tag folks when I have the room descriptions up.

So, Eric Boyd just found me a service that will print box sets on demand.

So, Eric Boyd just found me a service that will print box sets on demand. How's this for a mock-up of the bottom of a box set for the White Jungle? Michael Raston

Question for the crew: who might be available on 3/23 for a game?

Question for the crew: who might be available on 3/23 for a game? It's the first night of Gary Con, to which I am not going, despite having signed up. I know Anthony Huso is going. Who might be available to play? Should I just reschedule for the following week? Eric Boyd Joshua Blackketter Aleksandr Revzin Chris P. cole long Gus L

No session this week as I'm on vacation (Spring break) and will be traveling back home Thursday evening with my...

No session this week as I'm on vacation (Spring break) and will be traveling back home Thursday evening with my family. The next session will be on 3/23

South Wing Level 1

South Wing Level 1 (I'll have level 2 posted when I have it properly drawn)

Satareh, Evlyn M's houri character

Satareh, Evlyn M's houri character

Campaign News for Session 32 (3/9)

Campaign News for Session 32 (3/9) The party retreats to Shirishanu's grove, bearing the mangled corpse of the wizard Titus. After a burial in the woods, and a few pious and solemn words from Cletus, the party makes camp in Shirishanu's grove. The party lights a fire and cooks a fine meal of flying airracuda near the dangling boughs of the cosmic willow. The grove is tranquil, unearthly and melancholy in its beauty. The quiet sounds of the opulent fountain bubbling in the dusk of twilight lulls the party to sleep by the embers of the fire. As the moon rises, the grove is bathed in dappled moonlight. The watch is an eerie one, with Lathanon's shade appearing, now weeping, now wandering distractedly through moonlit pools, now right by the watchers side, sometimes speaking, sometimes silent. In the small hours just before the party awakes, the last watcher has a wondrous experience. An animal the size of a horse, but longer, moves into the grove. It's hide is a shiny cara

Guys, tomorrow is my birthday.

Guys, tomorrow is my birthday. You know what my son gave me as a present? A dungeon map for you guys to go through. He was slyly asking me questions in the car to gauge your power level. It seems to be jungle themed. ( he knows about the white jungle.)

Here's the current player's map of the south wing of the Summer Palace.

Here's the current player's map of the south wing of the Summer Palace. Perhaps this would be a good place for you to discuss plans for the next session. It would help me know what to plan if you tell me in a preliminary way what you plan on doing next session. There are myriad possibilities. Here's what the chittering masons told you about the layout of the Summer Palace corrected for an error I made when mapping (I swapped the direction of the wings). "The south wing is four stories tall, with one two story tower and one three story tower that rise above that. The south wing contains the habitations of the main masters. Chambers of consultation and recreation are also located there." "The north wing is three stories tall, with three towers rising two stories above that. It contains the habitations of the visiting masters, as well as of the main servants." "Beneath the entire palace run the lower level that contains the kitchens, storage areas, and

Sessions 29-31 The Take + Recap

Sessions 29-31 The Take + Recap These sessions saw the party finally descend through to the hanging Summer Palace. They tangled with a crystal ape on the way down, and got into a pretty hectic scrap with some unearthly flying heads on the great winding stairs. They wandered through the gardens that connect the two wings of the palace. There they met with the shade of Lathanon, last of the incandescent kings, saw a grove of flying fish, and various other wonders. At last, in session 31, after a successful parley with some plumed reavers, they finally made it to the intact southern wing of the palace. There they came upon the great pool that fills the entryway. Its waters, illuminated suddenly by a transparent floor could be seen to be filled with turgid, translucent worms, clustered especially around red stones. While the party poked about in the ruins of the massive space, a strange guardian attacked. Composed of a flexible sheet of white metal, it folded itself into different forms, l

RIP Titus, we hardly knew you. This is the monstrosity that slew you and ate your face off.

RIP Titus, we hardly knew you. This is the monstrosity that slew you and ate your face off.