
Showing posts from October, 2017
Ben L. How much time do we have until we travel back to the Hanging Palace?

If it wasn't apparent from my failure to communicate, I can't run a game tomorrow night.

If it wasn't apparent from my failure to communicate, I can't run a game tomorrow night. The good news is that this makes me sad, and so is not a sign of gamer ADD or anything else. It's pure time crunch. I will schedule a session for sure on 10/26. Chris P. Eric Boyd Aleksandr Revzin Evlyn M Anthony Huso Maxime Golubchik

Eric Boyd Aleksandr Revzin Chris P. Evlyn M Maxime Golubchik

Eric Boyd Aleksandr Revzin Chris P. Evlyn M Maxime Golubchik Here is a list of items that Adrianna identified for you in the last session. Tell me who is taking what and what you're selling. Red Lotus These are four bricks of red lotus hips and petals (150 GP each to Satareh's temple contacts). Smoking them is like inhaling a stream of ecstatic sparks. It produces almost unbearable giddy pleasure that is prone to break out into sudden rage. For 3d6 turns, at any encounter, player receive +2 to initiative but must test under Wisdom at 4d6 or lash out in uncontrollable anger. Users must save vs. poison at +6 or become addicted after each use. White Lotus These are three bricks of white lotus hips and leaves (250 GP each). Smoking them is like inhaling a cool and rolling cloud from the heavens. It produces a peaceful and rich pleasure, and a stumbling stupor. Anyone who tries to act for 3d6 turns after consuming it will receive -4 on initiative and -2 on all rolls, but is immune t

Hey guys I can't do a game this Thursday.

Hey guys I can't do a game this Thursday. Next session will be the following thursday 10/12. Sorry to be a little slow posting here, I'm slammed at work (and life), be back in touch here very soon. (Tomorrow morning I think.) Eric Boyd Aleksandr Revzin Anthony Huso Evlyn M Chris P. Shemek hiTankolel
Any spellcasters in the house?

Friends I have a wonderful idea. We cannot kill the foul cretin who is blackmailing us because he is very important.

Friends I have a wonderful idea. We cannot kill the foul cretin who is blackmailing us because he is very important. But I am no friend to the World Emperor either! I say we kill two birds with one stone, steal the ring from the magician, use it to make his own animals eat him, and then plant it on Lord Kex.

Campaign News for 10/5

Campaign News for 10/5 The sights and sounds of Rastingdrung wash over you, a welcome homecoming after journeys parlous and absurd. The city is a bustle with preparation for the coming Festival of Sybarites. The streets have begun to swell with foreign dignitaries, having purchased their festival tickets early for an extended debauch. The Crimson Censors are about, stirred to great vigilance by the usual paranoia about foreigners, but suddenly strangely powerless. Court gossip is focused squarely on Lord Kex of Viridistan, nephew to the World Emperor. He came two weeks ago in a swaying palanquin atop a white elephant, accompanied by a mighty entourage. His bare green chest and unnaturally tall and graceful form have become a fixture around the court. Fishwives state with great certainty that he has been sent to seal through marriage the World Emperor’s alliance with the city state. Civic pride prevents them from asking what his interest in an alliance with this backwater might be. Busi

Shemek hiTankolel welcome to the community!

Shemek hiTankolel welcome to the community! If you're interested in receiving invites to the google hangouts games, just comment here and I'll add you to my circle for invites. We play Thursdays from 830 CST to 1130 CST, including this Thursday. There's no commitment to regular play in that anyone can drop in for a single session whenever they want. If you are interested I'll send links to the character generation rules, backgrounds, etc. But either way, glad to see you around these parts!