
Showing posts from September, 2015


SPENDING ALL THAT MONEY At the start of any session, you can declare that your character went on a binge, spending up to ((your level + 1d6) x 100 gold pieces). You receive 50% of that back as additional xp. However, you must immediately make a save vs. poison or roll on the following carousing mishaps table. (The table is a mashup of one by Jeff Rients and one by Gus L.) 1. Hangover – A soft, nauseous stomach, painful pressure behind the eyes, you’re hung over and roll at -1 on all physical actions next session. 2. You have acquired an addiction to one of the many substances available for consumption at the Temple of Ulim (1d4: 1. Black Lotus 2. Opium 3. Virdian Powder 4. Hashish). Anytime you return to town you must acquire and indulge in your vice (spending 50 GP x Level) on intoxicants.  The inability to obtain sufficient intoxicants results in a -2 on all rolls during the next session. 3. What did they mix this with? You suffered a very bad trip, and are still shaken. When surpris

Session 1

Session 1 The Party: Ilnar, Altanian thief (Chris Kutalik) Sir Tresken, paladin for the Chatelaine (Joshua Blacketter) Pretty Boy Groff, fighter and gang underling (Mike Wentzloff) Failure, a hobbit with no discernable talents (Zak S.) His dog, Pigfucker  Dugald, the linkboy (hireling) And later: Bryson Randall, merchant priest of Nepthlys (Mike Wentzloff) While drinking late into the night at the Blighted Orchid, the party received a discrete tip about Ultan's door from his cousin, a one-eyed stevedore named Malthus. After gathering their equipment and one unfortunate hireling, they converged on Ultan’s printshop the next day. After some haggling, Ultan escorted the party to the door under the stairs. Set into the wall into the space under the stairs, the door was 6’ tall, gorgeously painted in cerulean hues, with goldleaf flourishes. It was barred by a hastily erected piece of timber. Removing the bar, the party opened Ultan’s door.  They were greeted by the impossible view of a

Here's the Houri Class that is available for play, as well as some background on the Temple of Ulim.

Here's the Houri Class that is available for play, as well as some background on the Temple of Ulim.

Through Ultan's Door First Session

Originally shared by Ben L. events/cb4cfkefpfaricqu3q73g1e9ta8?authkey=CPms4OORgonXuQE


CHARACTER BACKGROUND These charts help situate your character in the setting. You're not required to roll on them--you can choose anything you want or not think about it at all.. Where is my character from? (1d10) 1-6 Rastingdrung 7    Loktole 8    Wolsdag 9    Altanis 10  The City State of the Invincible Overlord Rastingdrung: Your character has a black seal, and his name is on the roles of citizens. You are likely from a long line of Rastingdrungers, and have a home in the city. Unless you are a secret heretic, you are a practicing Ulimite. Foreigners: All foreigners are designated as temporary visitor. If your character is a foreigner he has a red seal, revocable at will by the authorities, and to be renewed every six months. Your character must have an official reason for being in Rastingdrung. Loktole: Your character comes from the sleepy Village of Loktole under the authority of the Grim Duke.Unless you have converted to the Ulimite faith, you are either a cultist of man (50%


CHARACTER GENERATION RULES We're using Labyrinth Lord with Advanced Edition Companion as our basis. It's like Old School Essentials (B/X) but with some more bells and whistles. STATS Roll 4d6 drop the lowest for stats, switch one if you like. HIT POINTS Give yourself max HP for first level, and then roll your hit points for each subsequent level. (You'll probably start as 3rd or 4th level.) STARTING XP Your character should start with 8,000XP or 1/2 your old character's XP if your character just died, whichever is higher. GOLD AND EQUIPMENT New characters can start with any items they want from the standard equipment list within reason. I will provide you with a few choice special items as well. If your old character just died, you have first dibs on their possessions, except for group artifact type items.  Class and Race Notes You may play a human character or two non-human races that have been unlocked, the Plumed Reaver or Mole Rat Person, which you can find here You
A colorful local festival in Rastingdrung
The Chatelaine of Storms, ruler of Rastingdrung
Description of Rastingdrung, the city serving as the home base for the campaign

Religions of Ghinor II (Nephtlys, Manannan & Mer Shunna)

Religions of Ghinor II (Nephtlys, Manannan & Mer Shunna) relevant to heretical clerics

Religions of Ghinor I (The Slumbering God & The Cult of Man)

Religions of Ghinor I (The Slumbering God & The Cult of Man) relevant to heretical clerics and wayfarers

Geopolitical overview of the setting.

Geopolitical overview of the setting. Note that this campaign is based in the city-state of Rastingdrung rather than village of Loktole.
A Taste of the Inverted Jungle
The premise of the campaign