
Showing posts from January, 2016

The Captive

The Captive As you emerge into Rastingdrung, his eyes roll in wonder and terror. He is weak and trembling after his ordeal and needs to recover his strength. He covers his naked face in shame when he is in your presence, and seems to anticipate that you will sacrifice him or subject his body to untold horrors at any moment. Your protestations to the contrary, no matter how sincere, are met with sarcastic incredulity. His name is Ulantanu, and he identifies himself as an "Apprentice Flayer". What are going to do with your captive from beyond the veil of sleep?  Eric Boyd Travis Miller Chris P. Chris Kutalik Michael Wentzloff Tim Other  Joshua Blackketter (I've tagged other regulars who were not in the last session, since I imagine you would be conferring together about this matter.)

The serrated blades carried by the members of the Fleischguild.

The serrated blades carried by the members of the Fleischguild.

The Saw-bladed Polearm

The Saw-bladed Polearm Damage: 1d10 Special: Ignore AC less powerful than chain. For use on monsters, treat AC 6-8 as though it were 9.

Adriana informs you that your flasks are filled with the residue of Oneiric Pudding.

Adriana informs you that your flasks are filled with the residue of Oneiric Pudding. Apparently some of your group had brought her a sample previously. She informs you that after withholding a portion for her own researches, she will be able to transform the pudding into an Elixir of Penumbral Transmigration. The imbiber of the Elixir falls into a slumber, his dream consciousness enfolding his sleeping body in a cyst attached to a "shimmering priaduct". This (tube?)will transport him to a location in Wishery that he has already visited, provided that he brings this memory to mind as he consumes the Elixir. The cyst at the exit point will remain in place for "around six hours" before dissolving, and may be used to transport its creator and his possessions back to the waking world. The distillation process is expensive, and covering her materials alone will cost you 150 gp per dose. She has enough material in your portion of the residue to brew four doses. If you get

Session 6

Session 6 Dozar, towering priest of the slumbering god Cletus, cleric of an unknown deity, surprisingly accurate with sling Gil, an increasingly depraved sorcerer Vyhoff lavender skinned barbarian (hireling) Selwin simpering linkboy plus (hireling) The party returned to Ultan's shop after a two week sojourn. Ultan informed them that the rival adventuring party, now led by an unknown Storm Rider with a black beard and a scabbard engraved with black flames had been through the door. Most recently, they came with a pack of hounds, armed with crossbows, returning largely unharmed.  The party transported the coracle through the door and headed straight for the sewer river. They donned their wooden masks. After securing the carved green canoe, they traveled downstream towards the catacombs of the Fleischguild. In a section of the sewer river where criss-crossing copper pipes brilliantly stained with verdigris hung quite low, the group came upon an unusual sight. The normal cloudy and foe

Notes per the next session: ask the Child Witch about some kind of living servitor that doesn't have a heartbeat, or...

Notes per the next session: ask the Child Witch about some kind of living servitor that doesn't have a heartbeat, or a scroll of Unseen Servant . I think we ought to offer her right of first refusal on the muscle-beasts and talk about our captive Fleischguilder. Charm Person loosens tongues handily.  Stuff we missed: * Should have beheaded all the corpses and dropped the heads in the river. Someone might cast Speak with Dead , I have a strong impression the Fleisch Guild has access to that.  * Didn't do the pillar rubbings - next time wrap the roll of paper in something waterproof!

Campaign News 1/15

Campaign News 1/15 Strange lacquered armor and fine antique weapons have begun showing up on the black market. In a perhaps related event, the gangs of Rastingdrung have taken to wearing tattered robes of fine patterned damask and outlandish hats of an unfamiliar style.The haberdashers are, naturally, outraged by this turn of events. Everyone expects the Scarlet Censors to step in at any moment and put a stop to this unorthodox sartorial development. A duel of "Count" Valdir, the doltish paramour of the Chatelaine, and Bashar an attache to the representative of the Merchant's Guild has resulted in Valdir's death. The Chatelaine has withdrawn into seclusion to grieve. Since then, the skies have been black, with ceaseless rain falling for seven days now. The sewers are overflowing; if the storm does not break soon, disaster may ensue. Bashar is, of course, nowhere to be seen. Since her withdrawal, the court has been in chaos as simmering feuds and resentments between co